Get Paid for Your Flexibility
Demand response (DR) programs provide payments to large energy consumers that agree to reduce their energy demand during times of electricity grid stress. Program participation is easy, and Enel X provides the expertise you need to make the most out of demand response.
paid to customers since 2015
8.5 GW
global demand response capacity
customers in North America

The Basics of Demand Response
Demand response programs help to create new revenue streams for customers while supporting grid reliability and keeping energy prices low in the community. Learn more about how demand response works and why Enel X is your ideal partner.

This program has not only resulted in increased income potential for the university, but has allowed me the freedom to deliver on Temple’s commitment to conservation, sustainability, and efficiency.
Director of Utilities and Energy Management, Temple University

When I look at the numbers, it’s pretty easy. The payments well outstrip the cost of our downtime.
Electrical Engineer—Tissue Manufacturing at Huntsville Mill, Kimberly-Clark